Six brand films using people to illustrate the nature of data!

This is a compilation edit. The individual films can be seen below.

We were asked by ThinkFarm to collaborate on 6 films demonstrating the product range that Kantar offer. A fairly complex subject needed a simple approach. Kantar are in the business of peoples data, how we spend our time, our money, ulitmately our lives. ThinkFarm had developed the line ‘Understand people. Inspire Growth’, so using people in a choreographed fashion seemed like a way forward. We worked up the ideas in abstract form before using a choreographer to translate them into human movement. After casting the diverse group of people we needed, we spent a week rehearsing the choreography, before moving to a 2 day studio shoot. In combination with great styling and lighting we managed to create a series of sophisticated and human films.

Agency – Thinkfarm
Producer – Isibeal Ballance
DOP – Nic Britt
Stylist – Ameena Kara Callendar & Doris Helmlinger
Direction, animation & compositing

Brand Guidance

Trade Optimisation


Here’s the choreography animations we used to brief the choreographer and to make sure the ideas had differentiation but also conveyed the message

World Panel Plus

Cross Media Audience Measurement


Here’s an example of a storyboard and shooting board for the Brand Guidance film. Not only essential for the client, but for a smooth shooting day.